
CMMR 2019 | Marseille

This work focuses on automatic Dastgah recognition of monophonic audio recordings of Iranian music using Markov Models. ...

published in Perception, Representations, Image, Sound, Music ISBN: 978-3-030-70210-6


Proceedings of the international Symposium Xenakis. La musique électroacoustique / Xenakis. The electroacoustic music (université Paris 8, May 2012).

an innovative approach to the stochastic composition based on the calculus of the system's entropy an the evaluation of the feedback contribution 

published in Iannis Xenakis, la musique électroacoustique  ISBN 10: 2343066965  ISBN 13: 9782343066967


symposium international musique et ècologie du son (université Paris 8, May 2013) [poster]


a sophisticated algorithm for my augmented instrument called FeedGuitar that take into account the history of the musical performance signal and the performer's gestures 
